Report a lost or stolen ATM/Debit Card
Call your local branch or call 1-877-847-4540
Hot Card Center: 1-888-297-3416
Hot Card Center (Outside the US): 1-206-389-5200
Hot Card Center: 1-888-297-3416
Hot Card Center (Outside the US): 1-206-389-5200
If you report your card lost or stolen through the Hot Card Center:
Contact our local branch the next business day to order a replacement debit card.
Debit Card PIN Reset 1-800-290-7893
Always Remember:
BankNorth will NEVER initiate a request for sensitive information such as debit card PIN, account numbers, passwords or social security numbers by phone, email or text. We will only ask you to provide this information to verify your identity when you call the bank directly.